Please come back often and see what Doug has in the works...

This calf roper was started long ago but seemed to hit a snag along the way...Doug has not forgotten about him, however, and plans to pick up where he left off. The clay piece has survived years of neglect and even a long, arduous move to Arizona, so he deserves to live on in bronze!

Doug has started a sporting piece that speaks to his love of hunting, especially pheasant and other upland game birds. Our English Setters, Lilly and Tucker, were used as models. Even though it is still very early in the process, and still quite rough, Lilly locked onto this dog when she first saw it...she was honoring the point! Quite the critic.
When completed, this piece will be titled "Point -Blank", a reference to the distance at which a shooter can't miss!
When completed, this piece will be titled "Point -Blank", a reference to the distance at which a shooter can't miss!